Learning Disability Testing & Learning Disability Diagnosis
Access extra support with a learning disability diagnosis
Learning disability testing and learning disability diagnoses can help in many ways. For those with a learning disability, getting tested can help them gain a greater understanding of what is going on. Receiving a learning disability diagnosis also permits additional support and accommodations.
Most people say the understanding they got from testing, regardless of their learning disability diagnosis, was extremely helpful. While some already know the method of how they learn is different, they aren’t completely sure what is going on. They aren’t sure how significant the issue is. Through thorough testing, they can get answers and an understanding of their ability to learn visually and verbally.

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We believe in an integrative and holistic approach to help you make the changes you want. Contact us now to schedule an appointment or to request a 20 minute free phone consultation. During this session, you will be invited to share your story and ask any questions you may have.
Processing Speed Analysis and Working Memory Testing
Many of those with a learning disability diagnosis (especially those with a reading disability diagnosis) have stronger abilities to think, reason, and problem-solve nonverbally than verbally. In addition, you will learn about your working memory and processing speed abilities.
Often, but not always, those with a learning disability have working memory or processing speed that is not as developed. They may need additional time to complete tests or benefit from utilizing strategies to support their memory.
Learning Profile
When completing learning disability testing, you will be tested on your verbal and visual learning abilities. Knowing whether you are a verbal or visual learner can help you maximize your study time. It can also help you know what type of teaching style (verbal vs. visual learning) works best for you.
Academic Skills Assessment
When you complete learning disability testing, you will also gain a better understanding of your specific academic skills. Testing will target reading, writing, and math skills. For example, you will learn if you struggle with phonemic awareness (being able to hear, identify and manipulate sounds), reading fluency (if you read as you speak and the speed with which you read), or reading comprehension itself.
After testing is complete, you will know how your academic skills fall in comparison to others your age throughout the country. Once you understand where the breakdown in your academic skills is, you can better target academic interventions that help you where you need it most.
Benefits of Educational Accommodations After Diagnosis
If you do have a learning disability, whether it is a reading disability, writing disability, or math disability, you may be able to access extra support once a learning disability diagnosis is made. The type of support you receive can look different based on the age and situation.
Many parents of school-aged children choose to provide the learning disability report to their child’s school.
Once the school has this report, they will often work with you to develop interventions that will support your child’s success. If the child is older, they may want to complete an evaluation to receive ACT-SAT testing support or other accommodations for the GRE, LSAT, or MCAT.
Those in college may require testing to receive accommodations in their college classes, such as extended time on tests. Our evaluations have been used to support the need for these accommodations.
Learning Disability Testing at MVP
If you need a learning disability evaluation completed, you have come to the right place. At Mountain Vista Psychology, we complete learning disability testing for children, teens, and adults. We ensure a thorough learning disability evaluation is completed so you understand strengths and areas of necessary support. Our tests are gold standard tests, recognized by K-12 schools, colleges, and standardized testing boards (i.e., ACT, SAT, LSAT, MCAT, etc.).
After learning disability testing is complete, we write a report and have an in-person feedback session to go over test results. We will answer questions and discuss recommendations going forward. It is our intention that after completing an evaluation, you have a greater sense of understanding. We want you to feel empowered to take the next steps to improve your life.
A Brief Overview of Our Learning Disability Testing Services:
Interview: During the interview, we gain background information. Through this process, we get an understanding of strengths and areas of struggle. We assess for existing difficulties so we can get a full understanding of what to recommend to you going forward.
WISC-V IQ/WAIS-IV IQ: This testing looks at the ability to learn new information visually and verbally. Working memory and processing speed are also tested.
Woodcock Johnson-IV: Academic testing measures reading, writing, and math skills.
Wechsler Individual Achievement Test -IV: Academic testing measures reading, writing, and math skills.
Extra Testing; If your primary concern is reading, we may recommend one or both of the following:
The Gray Oral Reading Tests-Fifth Edition (GORT-5): The GORT-5 is one of the most widely used measures of oral reading fluency and comprehension. The GORT-5 allows us to gain a deeper understanding of reading fluency and comprehension levels.
The Comprehensive Test of Phonological Processing – Second Edition (CTOPP-2): The CTOPP-2 is a targeted assessment of phonological skills. These skills are needed to successfully sound out new words.
Additionally, we offer Dyslexia diagnosis and testing services. Dyslexia is a common learning disability diagnosis. We also test for Dyscalculia and specific learning disabilities in written expression.
MVP serves those living in Highlands Ranch, Lone Tree, Parker, Greenwood Village, Englewood, Castle Rock, Centennial, Littleton, Lakewood, and other communities in the Denver Metro area in Colorado.
Take the Next Step
We know how challenging learning differences can be, and we are here to help. Take the first step and call our office at 720-583-9332. You can make an appointment, or we offer a 20-minute free phone consultation to discuss your needs. We are never too busy to help you, and we welcome the opportunity to chat with you.