2 Simple Ways to Achieve Your New Years Resolution

The New Year is here and it is the time when people tend to make those New Year’s resolutions. Not everybody is a fan of goals, but I LOVE them:) Do you have any goals on your list for the New Year? I want to exercise more frequently (this seems to be on my list each year!) and I want to figure out how to reach and serve more people. I want to serve them even better than I currently do. If you want to create change, you may find New Years a good time to create your goal. After deciding upon your goals, you need to figure out how to achieve your goals. I have a couple tips for you:
- Write your goal down. Get it out of your head and make it real.
- Put your written goal somewhere you can see it and look at it often.
Did you know 80% of people never think of having a goal, 16% of people think of a goal but never write it down, 4% write their goal down, and only 1% review their goal. Take a guess who is most likely to create the change they want? That’s right…the people who write their goals down and review them! I think it is pretty cool that by simply writing your goal down and reviewing it regularly you have a significantly improved chance of reaching it.
Your goal can be anything you want. Maybe you want to be more patient. You can write it down and post it where you will see it. Whenever you see your posted goal it will remind you to follow through. This is also a great thing to do with kids. Maybe your kids want to get along better. Write the goal and post it with them.
When you come to MVP for counseling or neurofeedback we talk about what you want to achieve through our services. We want to know your goals, so we can help you reach them. It works. When we understand what you want then we can help you get it. If you are crystal clear on what you want, it can also help you create it. Let us know if need any help with your New Year’s goals is are currently working with us. If you are not currently working with us feel free to give us a call:) Happy New Years!
Written By Dr. Steffanie Stecker
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