The Power of Affirmations

List of affirmations

Affirmations are powerful sayings that are repeated to allow you to control your thoughts about yourself, work, life, relationships, and goals. When you repeat these sayings daily, you begin to shape your life into what you want it to be. But you may be wondering, do affirmations work? The answer is yes, they do, and we will show you how to use them successfully. 

The human brain is a fantastic feature of the overall human experience. It can be rewired to change your life. When it comes to affirmations and how they work, we will start with the brain. Neuroplasticity is your brain’s neural network’s ability to change through growth and reorganization to form and recognize synaptic connections. Imagine a time where you played out scenarios in your mind for a big interview coming up. The area of your brain activates as if you were really experiencing it. 

When we repeat affirmations, we can actually trick our brains into thinking that these statements are factual. For example, that big interview you have coming up has you nervous; you keep telling yourself you’re terrible at interviews and there is no way they will hire you. You can manifest a positive outcome if you replace those statements with something positive like:

“I have experience doing this as well as the necessary skills; I am a good candidate for this job.”


“I am great at interviews and will get the job.” 

The great thing about affirmations is they train us to change our mindsets. Which, for many people, is the leading cause or reason most of us don’t get where we want to be. They help us get rid of self-sabotaging behaviors that interfere with our success or thoughts that hold us back from attaining what we want in our lives. 

How to Use Affirmations

The most important part of using affirmations is to be consistent. Write down your affirmations and repeat them. However, this is only the first step – you have to put into action what you are wanting out of your affirmations. It’s better to set your intention within your affirmation. For example, if you want to lose weight and you have tried before but were unsuccessful, start with statements like:

  • “I am going to work out every day to get to my goal weight” 
  • “I will walk 30 minutes each day to reach my goal weight” 

The common misconception with affirmations is that we just keep repeating these statements and they will come true. The truth of the matter is, you also have to put in the work. 

Create Your Own

When it comes to your affirmations, making them personal to your life is most effective. We can easily set ourselves up for failure when we use stock affirmations that may or may not really resonate with us. The key is to make it more personal to your needs and core values. By doing this, you will be more focused on your end result and what really matters to you! 


To start and get the most out of using affirmations, begin by practicing them every day to make them part of your daily habit. Try using these steps:

  • Spend 5-10 minutes saying and repeating your affirmations, some may say them while they are getting out of bed or some even say them while they meditate. 
  • Repeat, repeat, repeat – at least up to 10 times.
  • Be patient and remember you also have to put them into action.

The practice of daily affirmations is a great way to help you on your journey of self-growth and discovery for some people. Affirmations aren’t for everyone, but if you are ready to put yours to work, they can be a great leading point towards everything you want in your life. Let us know some affirmations that you use below in the comments!


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