Mountain Vista Psychology Blog

Child Counseling


Media Do’s and Don’ts

October 9, 2017

Media: Do’s and Don’ts Media is prevalent throughout our culture, from Facebook to Snapchat, to interactive video games, news outlets, and even Pinterest. It is safe to say that even as adults media is somewhere in our daily interactions with…

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Image of an upset family having argument at home. If you need support in reconnecting with your partner, learn how couples therapy in Englewood, CO can help you.

Family Counseling: What to Look for in a Family Counselor

October 2, 2017

Is your family living in chaos and conflict?  Instead of a haven, does your home feel like a war zone?  Maybe things aren’t as bad as a war zone, but relationships are strained.  There isn’t the closeness or connection that…

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signs of childhood depression

Signs of Childhood Depression

September 4, 2017

Most people associate depression with adulthood. It is generally assumed that children have easy and carefree lives, isolated from the worries that plague adults. As long as a child is growing in a home with supportive parents, you do not…

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7 Strategies to Improve Homework Time

August 20, 2017
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With school getting underway, I thought it would be a perfect time to write a blog about homework.  Each school year we hear about the hardship of homework completion.  There are many kids who fight doing homework. For those with…

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The Extroverted Parent with An Introverted Child

August 10, 2017

Last week I wrote a blog about parenting when you are an introvert and you have a child who is an extrovert.  For those of you who missed that post, let’s redefine introversion/extroversion.  Introverts recharge and gain energy through spending…

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Extrovert or Introvert: What Is The Impact on Your Family?

August 3, 2017

Have you ever thought about the impact of either being an introvert or an extrovert on your family relationships?  Introverts recharge and gain energy through spending time alone. Extroverts recharge and gain energy when in the company of others. When…

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The Magic of “I Statements”

July 27, 2017

Have you heard of “I Statements”?  If not, you need to read this post!  I first learned about “I statements” during my formal education.  At that time I was being taught the best ways to communicate for parents and children,…

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Managing Pain & Difficult Emotions

July 10, 2017
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As humans we experience a range of emotions including happiness, joy, contentment, anger, grief, sadness, and fear. We need all of the emotions we feel and each one serves a purpose in our lives, even the ones that don’t feel good.…

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No expectations

The Word “Should” Hurts Us

June 28, 2017
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“My kids should just listen when I tell them to do something.” “My friend should have called me back last night.” “I should be able to buy (fill in the blank).” We all do it!  We use the word “should”…

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Improve Relationships by Truly Listening

June 19, 2017
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Listening and truly understanding another person is tricky business.  Sometimes it feels as though miscommunication happens more frequently than we would like.  Communication breakdowns often begin with poor listening.  There are several poor listening habits we all can all struggle…

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The Power of Saying “You Can”

June 12, 2017
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I found this video on YouTube (A Ted Talk of course!).  I love the theme of believing in the capability of our kids regardless of any diagnosis they have.  When we set limits, it is much more difficult to reach…

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Why I Don’t Believe in Laziness

June 5, 2017
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Most people are surprised when I tell them I don’t believe in laziness.  Honestly though, I don’t think I have ever met anyone I would describe as lazy.  When people say either they or their child is lazy, there is…

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Summer Fun

Summer Fun

May 2, 2017

My kids’ last day of school before summer break is May 19th.  At the beginning of summer we always create a list of all the “Summer Fun” we want to have.  Regardless of whether you have kids or not, I…

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We believe in an integrative and holistic approach to help you make the changes you want. Contact us now to schedule an appointment or to request a 20 minute free phone consultation. During this session, you will be invited to share your story and ask any questions you may have.