Mountain Vista Psychology Blog



Choosing the Right Therapist

March 31, 2021
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Choosing the right therapist is an important decision. What should you look for in a therapist? How do you decide who is right? Are you comfortable? These are all fundamental questions you should ask yourself and research before committing to…

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How to Start New Habits and Stop Old Ones

February 13, 2021

Habits are behavior that has become reflexive over time and often are a triggered response. It’s been found that habits start with psychological behavior called a “habit loop” which takes place in three parts. The first part is the trigger…

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history of neurofeedback

History of Neurofeedback

January 6, 2021

The theory of neurofeedback is that by training the brain, brainwave patterns can be altered to alleviate a variety of neurological and psychiatric symptoms. Though widely considered to be a “new” form of treatment, the ideas and practices behind neurofeedback…

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benefits of neurofeedback

What are the benefits of Neurofeedback?

December 18, 2020

Neurofeedback, or NFB, measures brain activity and helps to discover patterns in brainwaves. The idea is that by changing the way one part of the brain corresponds to another, we can improve on a wide array of disordered traits. This…

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Medicaid Counseling & Medicaid Neurofeedback

June 3, 2019

We have been taking Medicaid since 2018 and love working with those who use Medicaid insurance!  We have a strong core value that everyone should have access to quality, affordable mental health care.  Although Medicaid covers neurofeedback therapy, there are…

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How is Neurofeedback Different than Other Programs?

May 28, 2018

I haven’t written a blog post about neurofeedback in a long time, so I feel I am overdue!  I have been getting a lot of questions lately from people who are wondering how neurofeedback is different than (fill in the…

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adult adhd

Adult ADHD…Not Just a Myth

October 16, 2017

ADHD does not just impacts kids!  Often times adults with ADHD have not been diagnosed as children and they should have been. In fact, many children who have ADHD continue to have symptoms into adulthood.  Adult ADHD can impact all…

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QEEG: 3 Ways a Brain Map Can Help

September 7, 2017

What is a QEEG (Brain Map) and why get one???? First, I will describe what a QEEG is.  Most simply it is a way to measure the electrical activity in your brain.  It is a tool used to guide neurofeedback training. …

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traumatic brain injury

Increasing Awareness About Traumatic Brain Injuries

August 28, 2017

In recent years a wealth of information has come out about the dangers of incurring a traumatic brain injury.  As a society, we wear helmets while bike riding, skateboarding, and skiing.  We all know about Mohammad Ali and the impact…

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Summer Neurofeedback

April 28, 2017

If you or your child has difficulty with ADHD, anxiety, emotion regulation, or depression, neurofeedback is an effective and amazing treatment option.  It is medication free and long lasting.   It is wonderful to be able to live life with…

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Neurofeedback Video: What It Is, How It Helps, Who It Helps

March 20, 2017

This is a video that I have shown to many clients who have come for neurofeedback. It helps clients to understand that they are not alone and their situation isn’t unique, sometimes knowing that you’re not the only person feeling…

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anxiety counseling near you

Two Tips To Get A Good Night’s Sleep

August 24, 2016
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Did you get a good sleep last night? Although I usually sleep great, I didn’t sleep well at all. Of course when I woke up this morning I was grouchy and I had a difficult time focusing all day. It was…

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Neurofeedback and Autism – What is Neurofeedback?

January 15, 2016
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We believe in an integrative and holistic approach to help you make the changes you want. Contact us now to schedule an appointment or to request a 20 minute free phone consultation. During this session, you will be invited to share your story and ask any questions you may have.